10 APPS THAT WILL HELP YOU MANAGE YOUR TIME EFFECTIVELY To deal with the ever-growing number of technology and business demands piling up on their plates, professionals and managers must constantly find better ways to use their time effectively. However, there are a host of workplace distractions to sidetrack employees and managers and keep them from knocking out tasks and finishing projects in an efficient manner. In fact, smartphones and time-wasting Websites cost U.S. companies an estimated $650 billion a year, according to industry research, and 53 percent of workers admit that these distractions negatively affect their productivity. To develop a sharper focus while taking advantage of digital shortcuts to increase your productivity, consider the following 10 apps designed to help you manage your time. One tool will evaluate whether you're spending too much time avoiding work instead of just doing the job. Several others track your progress on to-do lists and projects. And...
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