It's Sunday and it's time to plan your week and take things to another level!
Below I'm going to share a few steps to help you quickly and effectively plan the new week so you know exactly what you are going to get done when you alarm goes off on Monday Morning!
Grab your pen and notebook and let's get to work!
1. Evaluate your performance and List everything you did well and executed at a high level this past week and then list all the areas you need to improve upon this coming you have a baseline and can set your personal performance expectations.
2. Write down the top 10 things you absolutely have to get done this coming week and by what date and time each task or action needs to be completed.
Next to each of those 10 tasks write down 3 points on how exactly you are going to make them happen...keep it simple, you can execute simple!
3. List the top 3 things you are going to do this week that will move your life forward in a massive way!
I usually look at who I can network with, what my biggest income generating opportunity is and what one skill I can practice or learn this week that will improve my skill set so I become more valuable to the market place.
4. Now write down the 3 things you will do every morning before you get ready for work or for the day!
I like to exercise, meditate and spend 90 minutes developing my biggest most exciting opportunity!
This forms your morning ritual and you want to replicate that for when you come home after a day at work - which will become your evening ritual.
5. What's the 1 thing you are going to do this week that will make you feel so alive and make you feel the greatest sense of joy and happiness?
Write it down! Plan it out and schedule it!
It might be hiring a sports car for day or planning a holiday or taking your family somewhere nice for dinner or even just buying some toys and giving them to the kids in hospital...whatever it is, make it a priority!
That's a very simple and basic way to plan your week and feel in control of your life!
It won't take you more than 20 minutes to do tonight and you will wake up with a sense of purpose and passion on Monday morning!
Go Get It!
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