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Showing posts from May, 2018

How serious are you?

How Serious are you? The truth is you will be forced to work for someone else and continue to sell your time on this earth at a whole sale rate to the marketplace if you don't start working on your ideas in your spare time! ~ If you're not up early working on your ideas before you go to work every morning and working on your key projects after work and investing your time on your business plan on the weekends then maybe you are not serious about success and becoming financially free. ~ The secret to getting ahead is to get started and for most of you quitting your job right now is not something you can afford to do but what you can do right now is start working on your ideas and the projects that you are passionate about and that will move you towards your dreams and goals! ~ You will always be stuck in a job if you don't have a plan for your life and if you're not working on your own unique ideas outside of your 9 - 5 you know so I don't want t...

Keep improving

Keep improving Unless you take control of your life, you will always live knowing that you don’t belong to yourself. In other words, you belong to whoever and whatever is controlling you. In other to improve, you must keep these three things before you at all times: 1). Discipline yourself to read something each day that will help you spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and career-wise. And put the Bible at the top of your ‘books to read’ list. 2) Rewards. Author Mike Delaney remarked, ‘Any business or industry that pays equal rewards to its goof-offs and its eager beavers, sooner or later will find itself with more goof-offs than eager beavers. What you reward, good or bad, in yourself and in others, you’ll keep getting more of.’ 3) Results. The next time you’re facing a must-do task, and thinking of doing what’s convenient instead of paying the price, change your focus. Count the benefits of doing what’s right, and dive in. Instead of focusing on the ‘work’, focus on t...
Take Care of Your Body Note, Unless you get into better shape physically, you may go to heaven sooner than you planned. The Bible also mentioned that you should "Honour God with your body.' How do you that you may ask?. Here are three vital areas i have highlighted for you to consider. All the best.   Change your diet          Many of us eat for the wrong reasons - like Stress, boredom, fatigue, anger, depression,           low self -esteem, and the list goes on and on.  Try to get to the root of your problem.  Insufficient fruit, vegetables, and fibre, and too much fast food can wreak havoc with your health. Practise self-control. I know this could be a difficult task but you and i know it is doable right.       2.  Start exercising.  The secret is to start slowly. Take the stairs instead of the lift, park your car and walk, play ball with your kids inst...