Controlled Sex Drive = Discipline And that’s especially true for us men as we are natural hunters. But without proper control, sex can destroy all areas of your life. This post isn’t intended to discourage you from having sex. That’s not my business what you do. It’s to merely shine light on the fact that if you are single, you may not be able to go a week without running down on something. And I just want to provide some perspective on what could happen if you had some control Before I met my wife, I had no discipline over my sex drive. If a woman said “come over” I would drop everything of importance for a quick nut I remember one time when I had to be up for work at 5am in the morning. A chick hit me up around 9pm and said she wanted to come over but didn’t have a car. I drove one hour to her house and back, spent money on gas and etc.. and I didn’t get home until like 12:30am. Had sex with her and then I only had 3 hours to sleep. I woke up late for work the next morning and ...
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