WhatsApp and Telegram users are still vunerable to Cyber attacks. All those users who are using the web versions of WhatsApp and Telegram are at the risk of being cyber attacked. Yes, you have read it right! A vulnerability which hasn’t been patched yet could allow hackers to gain control over accounts and access personal data using a malware-laced image. Moreover, this security flaw can make hackers gain control of personal data such as contacts, shared files, as well as private messages. Ironically, the exploit which can expose the personal info of users, utilizes the same encryption which is meant to protect user messages from espionage. Technically speaking, WhatsApp and Telegram use an end-to-end encryption, designed to make sure only senders and recipients are entitled to view the content in the messages. The negative side of this process is that it prevents the application in checking for malicious codes on the message contents. So, users who send malicious conte...
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